Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year! Early January Blog News

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you guys had a fantastic winter break, holidays, New Year's celebrations, etcetera. I look forward to seeing a lot of kids in the next few weeks in classrooms around Seattle.

Bear and I are back in Seattle and all is well. We have struggled a bit with the 18 hour time difference between Seattle and Queensland, Australia. In other words, going to sleep on time and waking up at a decent time has not been easy. But other than that, we have had a fantastic time hanging out with good friends in town. I leave to start the bicycle trip on February 5th.

Other Blog News and Notes:

1. The newest addition is the audio clips. Listen in on conversations from the last few months. More clips will be added in all the time-- just like the pictures.

2. Click on the orange number (right now it is 171) under the lists of months to the right. From there, click on the world map. This is so cool: you can find out where other dear readers are reading from. There are a couple of readers in Europe, a few in Australia, and lots in the US.

3. New writing will be on the blog every week-- Check back on Wednesdays for a new posting.

4. Make sure to send comments! Let me know how you're doing, ask questions, or just write to say hey!

Cheers everyone!

1 comment:

angrybeekeeper said...

Wow, how cool to be in the middle of a field of kangaroos. So, does this mean kangaroos are silent? Or were they just silent when you were standing there?